Should the guy always plan the date?

2011-12-03 2:06 am
I was talking to my sister, and she thinks that the guy in the relationship should always plan and pay for the date. What do you think?

回答 (6)

2011-12-03 3:05 am
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Personally, I don't mind paying for myself, or even paying for him, but I think the guys willingness to pay says a lot about how he feels about you and what type of guy he is. I've been on dates with guys where he's paid, where we've split the bill, or I have paid.

On the dates in which I've paid, one of them was a odd situation where the guy basically sat there when the bill came and waited until I got uncomfortable and grabbed it to pay...he didn't even offer or say thanks...that was lame. There have also been times that I've insisted on paying for it because we'd been out before and he'd payed then, so I wanted to pay back the favor.

I think splitting the bill is the nicest way to go for both of the people, but in my experience, it's just best when the guy pays for things. Like I said, I think a guys willingness to pay says a lot about how he feels about you. On the dates that I've been on where we ended up splitting the bill they weren't really bad, but they weren't great either. Some of the best and most successful dates I've been on have been the ones in which the guy paid though...I just think it shows that he's a nice guy and that he cares; that he had a good time with you and wants to treat you right because he had a good time and would like to see you again. I don't mind paying for myself, but I think it's flattering when a guy insists on treating. It says a lot about how he feels about you and just shows that he's a gentleman.

That being said, I think those rules only apply when you first start dating someone. I definitely think the guy should pay on the first date (assuming he was the one that asked her out....if she asked him out, then I think it's on her), maybe even the next few, but once they're sort of a couple and have established how they feel about each other and gotten to know each other a little better, then they should either split things or take turns since it's not really fair to make the guy pay all the time.

As for the date planning, it's always nice when a guy has a plan, or at least a back up plan. It's no fun to do the whole "what do you want to do?" "I don't know what do you want to do?" "you pick" type of if you don't have a set plan and want to know if there's anything in particular she wants to do, it's fine to ask, but maybe have a backup plan for if she doesn't have any ideas. If there's something in particular she wants to do, I would assume that she'd bring it up.
2015-10-13 4:59 pm
No. The lady can plan it. It's the 3000century.
2011-12-03 2:16 am
its up to you but guys like when girls pay sometimes- or at least chip in.
I planned- well half- a date with my boyfriend.
I randomly wanted to go to the movie and I payed for it and his lunch, and he wanted to walk around the mall before, we had fun, he didnt have a problem with it.
dates are expensive- even a movie and dinner (fast food).
They like to be surprised as much as you do and besides if he plans it- how do you know if you like whats going to go down? he might plan something you hate!
try to figure out a date together! so you both are happy with the result.
relationships are about sticking together and loving someone for who they are- and planning a date together creates your systems of compromise that will be helpful in the future.
if he wants to pay- let him pay- but dont make it all the time.
you gotta treat your man just as much as he treats you.
2011-12-03 2:10 am
Yes, but that does not mean you do not get input from her. You take the time to get to know her, see what she likes & things. Girls like that stuff. Dont come right out and ask about what do you wanna do on the date. Talk to her in general & you will know what to do.
2011-12-03 2:08 am
I think either or both should help plan the date and pay for the date. It is not fair to the guy to be the one to always plan the date and pay for it.
2011-12-03 2:07 am
listen to ur sister shes right

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