
2011-12-03 12:35 am

問題一 : 每件貨品均須適當的到貨期


解決辦法 :


問題二 : 網上購物服務現時只在瑞典、挪威、丹麥、芬蘭、荷蘭、德國、奧地利和英國提供。鑑於現今社會已是數碼化年代,網絡已成為全世界最廣泛接觸的平台。而網上銷售更是大勢所吹。它對顧客的接觸層面亦是最龐大的工具。

解決辦法 :


回答 (1)

2011-12-03 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
爆字= =......

2011-12-03 13:15:24 補充:
In view of the H&M does not have a factory, but mostly in Asia and Europe of about 700 independent suppliers purchase apparel and other products. And is also a year-round continuing procurement of goods.
Therefore purchasing department planning for product series, but practical matters dealt with by H&M production offices. Most of the staff and production offices for the local people, they ensure regular and close contact with the suppliers.
Problem: every item shall appropriate delivery period
Delivery period from two to three weeks, or even six months. Master the ordering each item for the correct time is very important. Because the appropriate delivery period generally to the price, to find the best balance between time and quality.For a large number of daily fashion and baby clothes, advance orders obvious benefit as soon as possible.But because H&M does not have a factory, in case of strikes, political instability in other countries occurred on the entire procurement process will be significantly involved. Put down the effect of artificial persons, natural disasters are unavoidable. If unfortunately caught in local earthquakes, tsunami, tsunami, hurricane or typhoon, during the delivery process will completely affected. Thus may have to pay a huge freight to change carriers in order to arrive in sales with the fastest time.

2011-12-03 13:17:30 補充:

2011-12-03 13:18:09 補充:
In view of this, the H&M should also set up their own factories in Hong Kong, such natural or human factors can be reduced without affecting the entire shipment and shipment processes have to bear the risk. Furthermore,

2011-12-03 13:18:17 補充:
set up your own facility can significantly reduce the cost of transporting goods. And delivery time is for local manufacturers can decide, relative to speed replenishment can be greatly enhanced, to go as soon as possible to meet consumer requirements.

2011-12-03 13:24:53 補充:


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