
2011-12-02 4:34 pm


She can ordinary food making a delicious dish.

Her tailor has quite a bit of skill.

She designs new curtain a different pattern for window to increase a new

She is a tradition and gentles's nice wife.

If she thought a thing was right, she was right behind her husband.

She silently to take care of for her husband no point in worrying about
amily matter and attention to his work.

She practiced enconomy at ordinary times and saved money.

She scrimped and saved to consideration for her husband makes money

She always to pay time and at pains to bring up children.

Sometimes being housewife, wife and mother I felt like a thankless task
in modern socity.


下面這句打不完整...我現在在補上去..這句也要幫我看一下唷。 8.她省吃儉用為的是體貼她丈夫辛苦的賺錢。 She scrimped and saved to consideration for her husband makes money hard.

回答 (2)

2011-12-02 5:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. she can turn ordinary food into a tasty cuisine.
2. her tailoring skills very well.
3. She designed new and different styles of curtains to window to add a new style.
4. She is a conventional and gentle di good wife.
5. If he thinks is the right thing, she would support his husband.
6. She quietly caring families enable her husband not to worry about housework while absorbed in his work.
7. her usual live money is saved.
8. She went without food so considerate of her husband's hard earn money.
9. She always spends time and efforts to bring up their children.
10. in modern society do homemaker, wife and mother, I feel like a thankless task of errands.
2011-12-02 5:15 pm
1. She can turn ordinary food into a delicious dish.
2. She's really good at sewing.
3. She designs different styles of curtains for windows.
4. She's a good wife who's traditional, kind and gentle.
5. She would support her husband for what she thinks is right.

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