
2011-12-02 10:11 am


這位「流行樂之王」曾經風光一時,他的「顫慄」專輯是唱片史上最賣的專輯,也贏得無數音樂獎項,他的全球巡迴演唱會,名利雙收,但是後來因為他九項猥褻男童罪的醜聞官司纏身,再加上他整形成癮,行徑怪異,負面消息頻傳,逐漸沒落 麥可傑克森在流行音樂界的光芒,也常使人忽略了他的另一個成就:大家都只知道他是「金氏世界紀錄」上,最暢銷專輯的紀錄創造者,但鮮少有人知的是他還有另一項「金氏世界紀錄」:他是支持最多慈善機構的流行明星──總共支持過39個各式各樣的慈善機構。

一度外傳他因為一再漂白皮膚已罹患皮膚癌,5月麥可傑克森在美國加州比佛利山公開現身,罕見沒有戴口罩,以全臉示人,企圖消除有關他罹患皮膚癌的傳言。 原本麥可傑克森預計今年七月十三日起展開「This Is It—最後謝幕」巡演,沒想到提早謝幕,這一次他的粉絲永遠等不到他出席了。
招牌「月球漫步」舞,也將永留粉絲回憶中。流行天王到話題人物 麥可傑克森爭議人生落幕了

回答 (4)

2011-12-02 4:35 pm
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The "King of pop" had scenes for a while, his "thriller" album is the most sold albums in recording history, has won numerous music awards, his world tour, and fame, but it was because of his nine counts of gross indecency with boy scandal lawsuits, and his plastic surgery addiction, acts weird, negative news keep pouring in, gradually disappeared

Maikejiekesen in popular music of light, also often makes people ignored has he of another achievements: members are only know he is "Gold's world record" Shang, most best-selling album of records creators, but fresh less was known of is he also has another a item "Gold's world record": he is support up to charitable institutions of popular star-the-the total support had 39 a variety of charitable institutions.
Although appreciated by the public, his financial situation was going downhill, debt-ridden, April also held an auction, clearing him of more than 2000 pieces of personal belongings. Including his "thriller" album won the "America's Voice Award" trophy; and his children to his father's day gifts, platinum album, for his make Harley motorcycle and Rolls Royce cars.Otherness to a mystery, but has been married twice and has two children and a woman, but they all ended in divorce, the first wife is the daughter of Elvis Presley. Second wife was his nurse Dai Bi Luo Wei.Was once rumored that he was repeatedly bleached skin has been suffering from skin cancer, May maikejiekesen in the United States than folishan appeared in public in California, rarely seen without wearing a mask, said to face in an attempt to dispel rumours his risk of developing skin cancer.

Originally maikejiekesen July 13 this year is expected to start "This Is it-the final curtain call" tour, did not expect the early call, this time his fans always wait till he attended.Signboard "moon walk" dance, it will forever remain in fans memories. King of pop to subject character maikejiekesen disputed life ends
2011-12-02 11:44 pm
The pop king was once glamorous. His album “Thriller” is the best selling record in the recording history which has won numerous music rewards. His world tours made him famous and wealthy. However, negative news kept pouring in because he was caught in nine lawsuits of molesting little boys as well as his addition to plastic surgery and weird behaviors. He went down gradually. Michael Jackson was the flame in pop music which led to the ignorance to another achievement of his. Everyone knows that he was on Guinness Book of World Records for best selling albums, but few of them know that he had another world record. He was the pop star who supported the most charity organizations – totally 39 organizations in different types.

Even though he had passion in charity, his financial status was going down and he was heavily in debt. There was an auction in April to clear more than 2000 personal items of his. The items included the “American Music Award” trophy he won from the album “Thrill”, the gifts for Father’s Day from his children, platinum record, tailor-made Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and Rolls-Royce motors. His sexual orientation was a mystery, but he had married twice. His second wife was his nurse, Debbie Rowe. Rumors once said that he suffered from skin cancer because he bleached his skin repeatedly. In May, Michael Jackson showed up in Beverly Hills California. He showed his face and was rarely seen without wearing a mask in order to break the rumors about his skin cancer. Michael Jackson was expected to start his tour show of “This is it” from 13TH July this year. It was unexpected that it turned to an early goodbye. His fans would never see his appearance this time. His signature dance “Moon Walking” will only stay in the fans’ memory. From pop king to topic character, Michael Jackson’s controversial life came to the end.
參考: 自己
2011-12-02 3:03 pm
你不如找份簡單介紹Michael Jackson的英文報告或直接從Wikipedia抄一小部份下來還比較方便吧。
2011-12-02 10:31 am

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