maybe 與 might be 的用法與區別????

2011-12-02 9:13 pm
A:Why isn't Daniel in class today?
B:I'm not sure. He sick.
(A)is (B)has been (C)maybe (D)might be




Scuba diving is rather dangerous than playing basketball. Scuba diving is much more dangerous than playing basketball. 這兩句翻譯成中文為何? 到底何者較危險??

回答 (4)

2011-12-02 10:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. maybe是副詞,寫成He maybe sick.就缺了動詞,不成句了。

2. rather...than...是用來接動詞的:They would rather die than abandon their homes.
rather more ... than...才是接比較級形容詞的:The problem is rather more complicated than we had expected.
所以Scuba diving is rather dangerous than playing basketball.錯誤(漏了一個more)。應改成Scuba diving is rather more dangerous than playing basketball.背水肺去潛水比打籃球危險。和Scuba diving is more dangerous than playing basketball.都是潛水比打籃球危險。

2011-12-02 14:02:36 補充:
Maybe he is sick. = He might be sick.=他可能生病了。
2011-12-03 12:51 pm
Scuba divers will argue that, statistically, playing basketball caused more injuries than scuba diving. Hence, 打籃球比潛水危險

Just like many think flying is more dangerous than driving. Yet, more people die from car accidents than flying.

It's all about perspectives, but I digress...
2011-12-03 6:45 am
因為應該是"may be"而非"maybe",當"maybe"連在一起的時候表示"perhaps",但如果分開寫,"he may be sick"是正確的,"might"是"may"的過去式。

2011-12-02 22:48:33 補充:
scuba diving is more dangerous than playing basketball.

當然是 scuba diving 比較危險,打籃球怎麼會比潛水危險?
2011-12-02 9:57 pm
Only "might be" is correct among the four answers. The two sentences,"He is
sick" and "He has been sick", expressing a meaning of "sure" are contrary of the answerer's saying : "I am not sure".

2011-12-02 14:13:25 補充:
The word "maybe"(=perhaps) is an adverb, so it is not appropriate to this sentence. "might" is an model auxiliary verb and means "posibility". e.g. (1) It might rain this afternoon. (2) We might not be home before midnight.

2011-12-02 14:15:00 補充:
are contrary of ------> are contrary to

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