
2011-12-02 8:43 am
麻煩您 謝謝~


We listing music after we eat dinner.


Mrs.Chen buy some meat before she go home.

回答 (5)

2011-12-02 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

--- We listened to music after dinner.


------- Mr. Chen bought some meat before going home.
參考: myself
2011-12-02 3:04 pm
We listened to music after we ate dinner.

Mrs. Chen bought some meat before she went home.
參考: me
2011-12-02 9:56 am

1) We would listen to some music after dinner.
2) Mrs. Chen has bought some meat before going back home.
2011-12-02 9:24 am
Let's listen to music after dinner.

Mrs. Chen had bought some meat before she went home.
2011-12-02 9:06 am
We listing music after we eat dinner.

We listen the music after we have dinner.
We eat dinner first then we listen the music.

Your translated sentence has NO verb. I provide two different versions of translation for your reference. There are many other ways to translate.

Mrs.Chen buy some meat before she go home.

Mrs. Chen buys some meat before she goes home.
Mrs. Chen bought some meat before she went home.

your translation has verb conjugation problem. You need to change "go" to "goes", and "buy" to "buys". You shall know why!. After all I think you are just careless.

Since I don't know when the event happens or happened, so I also provide you with sentence that uses "past tense".

By the way, if you want to distinguish the order of the event, you can also
write your sentence as:

Mrs. Chen bought some meat before she goes home.

The difference among these 3 sentences is the time reference points you use. The 1st and 2nd, the time reference point is present. You just describe the event as present or as past one. The 3rd sentence, the time reference point you use is in the middle of the event that you describe buying meat as a past event, and "going home" as a present one.

You can do the same thing with the first question !

2011-12-02 01:37:09 補充:
T has provided another way to translate by using another different time reference point. His translated meaning in Chinese is the same as in Chinese in general, if you don't get into the detail. However, its English meaning is different from my 3 suggestions.
參考: self

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