
2011-12-02 1:04 am
我部電腦一開機出現X300 SE 128MB BIOS P/N 113-A33406-100
就無法啟動. 十萬火急 請求大家解答

我打開部電腦, 拔掉其中一條 ram card, 竟然可以開啟,但運作較慢,是否要換條 ram card 

回答 (3)

2011-12-06 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
要換條2G ram .ykk
2011-12-02 6:14 pm
Can you press F8 before you see the Windows screen to open the safe mode?
If you can, please find HKEY/......... to find the 'X300 SE128MB BIOS P/N 113-A33406-100 to delete it.
If you can do it, you can turn on the computer easily!
If you can't open the safe mode or you can't find your X300 SE 128MB BIOS P/N 113-A33406-100, please use the 'turn on computer disk' to turn on the computer.
Hope I can help you. :)
參考: myself!
2011-12-02 1:30 am
關閉電腦, 打開機箱, 在底板上有一枚紐扣電池, 拿出來, 等幾秒再安回去, 或更換這電池試試.

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