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2011-12-02 12:32 am
澳門現況近年來澳門的發展一直很好,人平均收入是世界的前列,經濟很好,但澳門原來一直一個長期的問題,就問題也是世界之冠,就是澳門的留級率,其中初留級率最高的,一班五十人平均有九個學生留級,留級率是百分之二十,非常高,學生稍一不慎,就成為留級生。澳門教育不差錢,澳門的學校基本上有8成以上以經有15年的免費教育,教育資源有,為什麼留級率那麼高? 120種升留級標準有人說留級制是為了保證教學質量,學生必須達到學校的標準,來適應這種教學制度,否則,只得承受留級的後果,但是澳門80多所學校,為什麼在同一個制度,景有多於120種升留級標準,每所學校訂定一套升留級標準,是學校的問題,還是政府出錯。 打造名校,留級為代價?有些學校因為要保持本身的價值,保持畢業生的質量,升留制也一定更嚴厲,有些澳門的教育系統採取精英制,建立超前教育,幼稚園已小學化,小學便學中學的東西,中學可能在學專科或大學的東西,學生稍一不慎,就成為留級生,人生就多了一個標籤。這類學校可以存在,社會有它存在的空間 ,但這些學校真的只有這樣方法,才可以產生精英學生嗎? 留級是挫折還是激勵:我們都明白學生各人都有不同的能力,有些學生數學教好,有些英文較好,有時一些學生因為一科不合格而留級,有些學生更是同一年留級超過一次。根據1977-2005年期間,我們調查了犯罪的青少年有76.1%-99.4%,都是留級生,而且以留級兩次為主。而澳門的初中留級率最高,留級生中有13.9%是在青春期,心理正在成長,正在適應學習環境,更要學會對待挫敗,如果他們定力不足,他們在留級後受到到挫折,往往都是不想自己再重讀,失去讀書的相心,有些更逃學,可能是影響一生。留級給他們帶來的明顯是,挫折大於激勵。留級制度是否必然?有教師認為,如果沒有留班制度,不能保障學生的質素。留級制度不是必然的?。在評估全球眾多城市十五歲兒童能力的「學生能力國際評估計劃」(PISA)上長年取得取得高分的芬蘭,其教育被認為是世上最優良,但他們沒有留級制度,日本和新加坡也沒有留級制度,至於壓倒性地嬴得第一的上海也於2006年禁止了畢業年級學生留級。 我的想法我認為留級制在澳門是要實行的,不因為自己也曾經是留級生,了解到是什麼原因令自己留級,了解留級生在重讀後的心情,以及因要重新讀過上一年的課程,往往都是不想,好處在於將“認真學習”的訊息傳遞予學生,去除懶惰、無心向學都可以升班”的思想。而家長的角色也很重要,澳門很特殊性,有五分之一人是從事博彩業工作,他們是輪班制,他們照顧子女有特殊困難,親子疏離是一個重要問題,教育子女的責任始終是家長,責無旁貸,家長應該前提選擇,送孩子進去時候,應該考慮清楚,你是否有這樣的心裡準備,使得你的孩子,在這種教育模式下接受教育。他們希望培養一個甚麼樣的小朋友,是要成為一個精英?我更認為留級制是要令讓學生如何重新學習,發揮的應是修正功能,而非標籤化,不可能因為留級率是世界最高,就把它去除,是要找出解決問題的方法,如澳門政府是否應給學校制定的留級標準的方法及建議。

回答 (1)

2011-12-04 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The status of Macao

In recent years, Macao's development has been good, the average income is in the forefront of the world economy, but Macao has had a long-term problem, the problem also is the highest in the world, is the Macao's repetition,the first repetition rates is the highest in Macao, a group of fifty people ,which have an average of nine students in repetition, repetition rate is 20%, it is very high that if students are careless, they will become a repeaters.

Macao's education is not short of money--Macao more than 80% of schools have basically been there for 15 years of free education,but why the repetition rate so high?

120 kinds of repeat standard

Some people say that the repeater system is to ensure the quality of teaching, students must adapt the school standards to adapt and the teaching system, otherwise, they will bear the consequences of repetition, but more than 80 schools in Macao, why in the same system, has more than 120 kinds of repeat standard, is the school or government error?

To create elite, the cost of repetition?

Since some schools to maintain their value, maintaining the quality of graduates,so the system must also be more severe, some of Macao's education system to take the elite system as well as establish the advanced education, school-based kindergartens more like a primary schools,primary schools will learn secondary schools'curriculum, some secondary schools have college or university' degree, if students carelessness,they will became repeaters,it will make a plot on their life. these schools can exist, the social have space for its existence, but it is the way these schools are only have this method to produce elite students?

2011-12-04 11:59:55 補充:
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