
2011-12-02 2:31 am
最近老師問了一題 但是我也不知道為甚麼

Which world a particular poem opens will depend on the particular type of poem it is.

問題就是:為甚麼最後面要加 it is

回答 (4)

2011-12-02 2:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
加 it is 是口語吧。
Which world a particular poem opens will depend on the particular type of poem. 和下句是一樣的:
Which world a particular poem opens will depend on what particular type of poem it is.
2011-12-02 6:20 pm
2011-12-02 9:03 am
Which world a particular poem opens will depend on the particular type of poem it is
= Which world a particular poem opens will depend on the particular type of the poem
= A particular type of poem opens a particular world.
2011-12-02 5:31 am
it is 是指 poem 因為這個句子的名詞poem 有很多種
一篇詩可打開一個不同的世界 但這個世界是哪一種就要看這篇詩了
it is = 哪一種

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