
2011-12-01 8:43 am
請問,We are going to "have" our car fixed before we go to Toronto中,倘若hava改成get,是要改成如下選項a還是選項b呢?

a) We are going to get our car fixed before we go to Toronto
b) We are going to get our car to fix before we go to Toronto


回答 (4)

2011-12-02 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
答案 a)

have+人+原形V (表主動)
have+物+ P.P (表被動)

I have him go. (我要他去)
I have my car washed. (我叫人洗我的車子)

get+人+ to V (表主動)
get+物+ P.P (表被動)

I will get them to try it again. (我要叫他們再試一次)
He got his watch repaired. (他把錶給人修理)
參考: 文法書
2011-12-02 2:34 pm
A 是正確的

只要能把下列原則熟記, 使役動詞就沒問題囉

◎ 使役動詞make/have/let 的用法: << 比較 >>The boss made the worker repair(修理) the machine. àS + make +人+ VThe worker was made to repair the machine. à人+ be make + to VThe boss made the machine repaired. àS + make +物+ pp.
S + make + O + OC 1. S + make/have + O + VR… 命令/使喚/叫 à受詞主動 à受詞無決定權,只能照做S + let + O + VR… 讓、允許 à 受詞主動à受詞有決定權,要如何做My parents always make me study hard. 我的父母總是叫我用功讀書。 My parents always have me study hard. à受詞主動只能照做,語氣make較have強
Mother lets me play video games after finishing homework. 媽媽讓我寫玩功課後打電動。à受詞主動,受詞可決定打或不打 2. S + make/have + O + p.p. … 使得、讓 à受詞被動 S + let + O + be p.p. … 讓 à受詞被動I made the window fixed. 我讓窗戶被修理。(我叫人修理窗戶)I had the window fixed. à受詞被動,語氣make較have強 I let the window be fixed. à受詞被動,語氣最弱
My high grades made my parents satisfied. 我的高分讓(使得)我父母感到滿意。 3. S + make + O + adj. 使得、讓 à 受詞處於某個狀態Let + O + be adj. 讓 à 受詞處於某個狀態Who made you angry? 誰惹你生氣? à angry(adj) 修飾受詞youThe trip to Europe made his wife happy. 歐洲之旅讓他老婆很快樂。Make the two lines parallel. 使這兩條線平行。Let yourself be free. 讓你自己自由/有空。 4. S + make + O + N. 使、讓 à 受詞成為某個身分、地位My parents will make me a doctor. 我的父母要讓我成為一個醫生。His teacher made him somebody. 他的老師使他成為了不起的人物。 5. S. + be made + to V à被動語態的使役V必須還原toI was made to clean the bathroom. 我被叫打掃廁所。 S + make + O ; S + make + O + O6. S + make + O + ( for 人) 做、製作、產生(為一般動詞、或授與動詞)Red and blue make(s) purple. 紅色加藍色產生紫色。He made a toy car for his son. = He made his son a toy car. 他做了一台玩具車給兒子。
S+ make + O + V [主動] I made someone open the window .
S+ have + O + pp [被動] = I have the window opened. à叫人開窗這個動作 Let + O + V [主動] Please open the window.= Let the window be opened.Let + O + be pp [被動] à窗戶原本是關著的,指開窗這個動作 Leave + O + adj. [=OC] Leave the window open. Keep + O + adj. [=OC] = Keep the window open.Let + O + be adj. = Let the window open.à窗戶原本已開著,讓窗戶保持開著不要關,指狀態
參考: 天秤座男子
2011-12-01 9:54 am
A is the answer.
2011-12-01 9:14 am
We are going to get our car (to be) fixed before we go to Toronto.

fixed是被動式,必須為past participle。

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