Six Flags New England- Goliath?

2011-12-01 1:54 am
As many of you know, SFNE is getting a new roller coaster (Goliath), a Vekoma GIB, an offspring of their original Boomerang sit-down. However, they also have Flashback, the boomerang sit-down model and not planning to get rid of it (I think). Is SFNE going to be the only park to have 2 versions of Vekoma's boomerang design in 1 park? There is no other amusement park that comes to my mind when I think about it.

回答 (1)

2011-12-02 1:06 am
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No, and i dont even see why they got rid of dejavu (that's the name way over on the other side of the country which i think was better) but don't worry, its two different ride experiences: Deja Vu is vertical so its much higher than flashback. also deja vu is vertical so you feel all your weight on the restraints at the top. if they had to pick, get rid of flashback since deja vu is the last GIB operating in the world and the awesomest.

Rest In New England - Deja Vu (Goliath)
? - 2011

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:54:56
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