
2011-12-01 2:43 am

我想問點解個separation between the fringe 係要=0.2/12???咁如果佢5係由dark度去dark region既話=0.2m既話...其實有可能要0.2/13 bor...求解答thx

回答 (1)

2011-12-01 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assume there are nodal lines at the two marks. Hence, 13 nodal lines indicate that there are 12 peaks in between a spacing of 0.2 m.

Therefore, separation between bright fringes = 0.2/12 m = 0.0167 m

Slit separation = (7x10^-7) x 1.5/0.0167 m = 6.28 x 10^-5 m

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