Infinite series(difficult)

2011-12-01 1:48 am
Evaluate ∑(k=-∞~∞) 1/(8k³+1)

試求∑(k=-∞~∞) 1/(8k³+1)

回答 (4)

2011-12-10 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
N Σ (2n - 1)^3 n=1 is the sum of the cubes of the first N odds. There are a couple different approaches to evaluating this. I think perhaps the simplest is to take the sum of the first 2N - 1 cubes, and subtract out the first N-1 even cubes. Note that 2N-1 Σ n^3 = (2N-1)²(2N)²/4 = N²(2N-1)² = N²(4N² - 4N + 1). n=1 The sum of the first N - 1 even cubes is N-1 Σ (2n)^3 = 8(N-1)²(N)²/4 = 2N²(N² - 2N + 1) n=1 So subtracting gives the sum N Σ (2n-1)^3 = N²(4N² - 4N + 1) - 2N²(N² - 2N + 1) = 2N^4 - N². n=1
參考: 我
2011-12-16 11:00 pm
It's so sorry! I chose a wrong solution. The correct answer is doraemonpaul's.
2011-12-13 6:06 pm


my wisdom of maths + formula from

2011-12-13 11:18:42 補充:
這題最困難的地方就是若直接把1/(8k³ + 1)進行部分分式會分拆出發散級數,因為Σ(k = a to ∞)P(k)/Q(k),其中deg(Q(k)) - deg(P(k)) ≤ 1,是恆為發散的。


2011-12-15 17:17:06 補充:
2011-12-01 3:53 pm
π/6*[1+√3 sinh(√3 π/2)]/cosh(√3 π/2)

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