[超急] Xperia arc 問題 (20分!!!!!!)

2011-12-01 12:58 am
事情係咁既 , 我有部xperia arc , 尋晚root完之後都行得好順 , 之後我用超級管理員身份刪除垃圾文件時 , 備份system重要文件的時候不小心按錯了"Move" , 然後就不幸將system/app 整個file移動到了sd card 裡去了 , e家開機既時候load到一半動畫就重新再load , 變左無限重啟 。我想尋求解決辦法!!

- USB無法識別我的手機(無限重啟)/只能靠讀卡器讀取SD Card
- 原本手機中的system/app 移動到sd card中 , 導致不能進入系統 , 尋求還原方法。

希望有有心人可以有詳細既教學幫我 ><!!! 我知自己衰一時貪快 , 搞到禁錯制 , 如果有人可以幫到我既話我感激不盡 !!


1 . Turn the power off. If your Sony Ericsson Xperia arc is frozen, pull the battery out and reinsert it 2 . Hold the Left and right buttons located beneath the display 3 . Press and release the Power button 4 . Follow the on-screen instructions to hard reset your phone 跟足指示做,無反應!!!仲係load番個開機介面,求救!

回答 (1)

2011-12-01 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Turn the power off. If your Sony Ericsson Xperia arc is frozen, pull the battery out and reinsert itHold the Left and right buttons located beneath the displayPress and release the Power buttonFollow the on-screen instructions to hard reset your phone

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 00:07:57
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