
2011-11-30 11:29 pm
想問如果一個light wave同一個sound wave 做5做到interference??
仲有diffraction咪分左3區既?...一區係最光架la...一區就係d 光既diffraction...一區完全冇wave...根據al...邊區為之dark region??

回答 (1)

2011-11-30 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 想問如果一個light wave同一個sound wave 做5做到interference??

A: Of course not. Light wave and sound wave are of different nature. The former is electromagnetic, whereas the latter is mechanical.

Q: 仲有diffraction咪分左3區既?...一區係最光架la...一區就係d 光既diffraction...一區完全冇wave...根據al...邊區為之dark region

A: I suppose you refer to "single slit diffraction".
There is a intensity (i.e. brightness) variation of the light wave after diffracted. The intensity varies from a maximum, decreasing to a minimum (zero intensity), and then rising to a maximum again.

"Dark region" commonly refers to the positions where there are minimum intensity (most commonly, zero intensity).

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