
2011-11-30 6:48 pm
小女準備下個月考YLE movers.之前starters既英文requirement都係手板眼見功夫(唔算難),而家movers既難道好似都唔細.Oral同listening就無咩問題嫁啦,最煩係reading同writing,好睇重文法同造句.有咩好方法可以提升呢2個能力?

回答 (4)

2011-12-02 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢個係中大附屬機構香港學校網絡同ABC Pathways合作既YLE網上模擬試題。學生可以自行完成Mock paper,無需家長陪同,而且系統會針對學生提供專業意見,給予學生最適合既練習。你可以join下試下岩唔岩。而家好似仲50%off。
2011-12-01 3:27 am
做reading comprehension,都係照單執藥,可能唔使理解可以研究佢嘅句子點作,個文法重點,聽下新聞,睇字幕,識多尐常用生字,文法...教佢認字根,例如見到visit,要識埋visitor,最好連tourist/travel都教埋...唔識1個字,都可以用其他代替
2011-12-01 2:02 am
I think building on something that your child has already been doing
is far better than just giving her more exercises to do! Make learning
an enjoyable activity for her. Try not to associate it with homework
or exams and you will have more success.

Here are some tips on helping your daughter with reading and writing:
-you should have about 20-30 minutes a day reading with her
-when you read to her, make the experience interactive - ask
questions about the story, the pictures and what she thinks
of the characters
-as her reading skills grows, gradually let her turn the tables
until she is reading to you
-use dictionaries together for difficult words - a picture
dictionary can make exploring language more interesting
-encourage her to write down thoughts on the books
she has read
-guide her to pay attention to grammar, punctuation,
capitalisation and sentence structure
-when your child writes down her thoughts, you can
check the grammar

Good luck!

2011-11-30 21:21:29 補充:
Here is a useful website of free audio stories with transcripts:
2011-12-01 1:21 am
其實,你的女兒平日做功課都不錯,加上平日都做一些EX,再買點文法英文EX,READ MORE STORYBOOK 就可以了 加油!

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