
2011-11-30 2:45 am
He is my classmates when I am studying in a Primary school.Someone say he is a slim boy.If I forget to bring books,he will borrow with me.以上3句野有咩錯處?

回答 (3)

2011-11-30 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He is my classmate when I am studying in a Primary school. or
He was my classmate when I was studying in a Primary school.

如果講話佢錯, 其實個CLASSMATES 錯得離譜D..因為眾數先會+ S;
但假如你加左個UNDERLINE o係 am 下面, 話am 係要轉做 was, 咁就好似好怪;
因為一轉個時熊, he 後面個is 都要轉埋 was先至得對稱...

"佢係我個同學同學仔, 當我地一齊o係小學上緊堂o個陣時" (我仲讀緊小學)
"我以前讀小學o個時, 佢係我同學仔"

Someone says he is a slim boy.
<-- 因為第3身單數

If I forget to bring my books,he will lend me his.
If I forget to bring my books,I will borrow from him .

因為依家係你唔記得帶書...唔好當係係中文...唔可以就咁 "BRING BOOK" ga
lend 係借出, borrow 係借入
依家係你問人借, 唔係人地借俾你, 所以如果一定要用 borrow 就只可以係你 borrow from him....
2011-11-30 6:03 pm
someone sayS he is ....
2011-11-30 3:10 am
He is my classmates when I am studying in a Primary school.
He is my classmate when I was studying in a Primary school. Someone say he is a slim boy.
Someone said he is a skinny boy. If I forget to bring books,he will borrow with me.
I will borrow books from him if I forgot to bring.

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