Why is astrology such a threat to people?

2011-11-29 3:18 am

回答 (4)

2011-11-29 3:24 am
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because its in a lot of ppls nature to live in fear of something.. And a lot are so ready to, that they look for things to find a new fear or threat in.
Let em die the same person they were born, ignorant and scared.. I'll take my risks and die with a smile
參考: Leo
2011-11-29 3:21 am
cuz people actually believe in stupid horocopes
2011-11-29 3:54 am
because people judge others base on their sun sign. Say if you're an Aries, that automatically make you a leader, or a fixed sign, you are so powerful. Woww.
2011-11-29 3:22 am
Can you explain how? We astrologers don't speak a word to disbelievers about astrology. Its like faith in God. Its you people who ask ques, and if ans are not favorable to you, astrology becomes threat to people according to you. What a stupidity?

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:52:11
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