想知kick your shoes off點解

2011-11-28 10:01 pm
想知 kick your shoes off 點解和想知 kick your shoes off 在句子中怎樣用法?

They are very controlled and they don't feel necessarily like the place where you want to kick your shoes off and spend a few hours reading a book or having a pinic,and so I think there's a real sense here that this will be different space.

回答 (2)

2011-11-29 2:08 am
✔ 最佳答案

2011-11-28 10:24 pm
kick your shoes off 意思係踢走你對鞋, 其實和 take your shoes off 意思差不多.

e.g. He kicked off his shoes, rolled up his pants and walked through the
puddles. 他除去他的鞋, 捲起褲子, 走過泥濘

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