
2011-11-29 6:53 am

EX:He looked okay, but tired.
EX 2:He came, but left early.
EX 3:The show was supposed to start early, but didn't.
(順便問一下為什麼例句三後面不是wasn't, 用didn't的主要是什麼文法? 請給些例句。)

這邊還有一句是:I'll never forget one who ever loved me so much but was hurt by me.

想請問這句這樣省略對嗎? 不對又是不對在哪裡?


EX: They were trapped for two days, but nevertheless they survived.

1. 想問的是:為什麼動詞是supposed不是was, 照理說 它是當過去分詞...? 2. 還有兩個問題沒被詳答: * I'll never forget one who ever loved me so much but was hurt by me. 想請問這句這樣省略對嗎? * They were trapped for two days, but nevertheless they survived. 這代表也可以和however連用嗎?



回答 (3)

2011-11-30 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
EX 3:The show was supposed to start early, but didn't.

因前面用的動詞是 supposed (非 was)

was supposed只是表示是被動,所以用 didn't.

He went to the park, but I didn't (go).

My sister likes singing, but I don't .

2011-12-04 02:26:15 補充:
此句主要是動詞supposed "假設",因為是被假設,所以用被動,was 是因為公式需要,所以與 was 無關,
I'll never forget one who ever loved me so much but was hurt by me.

I'll never forget the one who who ever loved me .....ok!
* They were trapped for two days, but nevertheless they survived.
2011-11-30 7:46 am
"was supposed to"是片語,如果把它變成"should",你就明白為何不用wasn't了。

The show was supposed to start at 8pm, but it didn't start at 8pm.

The show should start early, but it didn't.

2011-11-29 23:54:20 補充:
準確點來說,應該 "be supposed to" 是片語,意思跟 "be meant to" 或 "should", "ought to"相等。

I am supposed to go to school tomorrow, but I won't.
2011-11-29 5:27 pm
不可能是 was,大大並未明白「be」 和「非be」的不同,最近有一本新書,叫「原始獵人講英語」,對於國人常常分不清楚,可是英美人士卻知道的一些基本常識,說得非常清楚,建議大大去買一本回來詳讀,理解。這本書這幾天又在 yahoo 拍賣網上出現了6本。

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