中三 重頭補英文!! 希望真心回答

2011-11-27 8:28 pm

想重頭補過所有英文 由基本tense開始 因為我英文認真不行

我情況係去到 上英文課 基本無意思的地步

但知道上到去f4 f5 仲難救 所以想補英文~!

請問有咩好方法 可以自學 例如去買d 小學補充練習?

回答 (5)

2011-11-28 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

買練習都可以,其實課內嘅練習都夠用,你掌屋指示時態嘅詞就得(例如now--現在進行式/every xx簡單現在式recently/yet/already就現在完成式,future就將來式,將來式都有進行,但出得少,after/before過去完成式,when/while過去進行式).最緊要有解釋...但唔識都可以問同學,老師,語言係攞嚟講,無論你邊部份差,都可以同人傾下...而且大部份人都死喺tenes度
2011-11-27 10:25 pm
If you dont learned p6-F3 tense,you will find it hard in F4-F5 tense.If you are very poor,you need a helping hand to bring/ guide you to better position .like me.The form of a verb which tells the time on the past(the present,the future)tense=meaning TENSE!
2011-11-27 9:24 pm
參考: myself
2011-11-27 9:15 pm
I am not sure if I can give you a helping hand as I have been helping a handful of students and the situations of some of them are quite similar to yours. You may drop me a line.

2011-11-27 9:13 pm
listening more ENG music to improve your ENG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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