香港有沒有一些全日制可以學習英文的學校 (or 語言)

2011-11-26 10:06 am
因為我于想參加一些 每星期只有2-3hr的course 對於我來說是那種方式的學習是不可行.而且我常用一年時間使自己的英文更好 (本人ce 英文 pass lv2 but ue 失敗了 而且是u ,使我上不到 u 本人的bio & chen都有 c ) now 希望可以用next yr 學eng
而且我覺得用一年時間全部學習外語...在寫or 聽都會有進步
其實全日的課程,可以是學日文 or 英文
日文想由基本開始,英文就可以由中下or 中級開始
我想有學生8達通 so 唔知有咩course可以 得 一week 5日 反正常school day 時間
hong kong 有無這些課程

回答 (1)

2011-11-27 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to learn english, attending whole-day school may not help much
as you expect. You need to practice it. Without practicing, you would never
get yourself off the ground. If you want, you may drop me a line as I have been helping a handful of students whose situations are quite similar to yours.

by phil. ([email protected])

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