Poll:Your favorite Harry Potter film ?

2011-11-25 1:59 pm

回答 (11)

2011-11-25 2:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
PoA is still my fav, DH2 tries to keep nudging it out of the way though. o.O
參考: GoF will always be my fav book !
2011-11-25 2:02 pm
The last one. So senti :') I love Snape's part
2011-11-25 2:01 pm
Prisoner of Azkaban
2011-11-25 2:01 pm
all of them! lol but my favourite was hp and the deathly hallows part 2.
參考: big hp fan
2011-11-25 2:00 pm
Prisoner of Azkaban
2011-11-25 2:30 pm
Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince.
2011-11-25 2:09 pm
The Prisoner of Azkaban

Did not like the last three as much with the pairings and cliche stuff
2011-11-25 2:07 pm
Deathly hallows part 2
2011-11-25 2:02 pm
That's a tough question.. The Chamber of Secrets.
2011-11-25 2:00 pm
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secret (:

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