
2011-11-26 4:47 am





拜託,我不要翻譯機的,如果用翻譯機我也很厲害= =

拜託各位高手了! 謝謝!

回答 (6)

2011-11-26 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

I never give up learning.
I never abandon studying.


I never interrupt my learning.
I never suspend my studying.


You are excellent.
You are superb.
you can replace excellent with "outstanding", "great", "exceptional", "distinctive", "superior".


You are the greatest.
You are the most excellent.

Again, you can replace excellent with "outstanding", "exceptional". "distinctive" ... and so on.

2011-11-25 22:23:15 補充:
I wonder in Chinese, 間斷 and 停止 are the same or different? However, in English interrupt or suspend is very different from "stop". To my understanding, stop means 停止, unless it also carries "間斷" meaning in English !

2011-11-25 22:23:32 補充:
I wonder in Chinese, 間斷 and 停止 are the same or different? However, in English interrupt or suspend is very different from "stop". To my understanding, stop means 停止, unless it also carries "間斷" meaning in English !

2011-11-25 22:23:42 補充:
I wonder in Chinese, 間斷 and 停止 are the same or different? However, in English interrupt or suspend is very different from "stop". To my understanding, stop means 停止, unless it also carries "間斷" meaning in English !

2011-11-25 22:24:00 補充:
I wonder in Chinese, 間斷 and 停止 are the same or different? However, in English interrupt or suspend is very different from "stop". To my understanding, stop means 停止, unless it also carries "間斷" meaning in English !

2011-11-25 22:25:36 補充:
sorry, computer has acted on me to post so many the same answer !

2011-11-25 23:39:01 補充:
Nobodyfantasy! I got your point about "stop to learn" and "stop learning".
參考: self
2016-02-11 12:27 am
wonder in 是什麼意思
2011-11-26 8:48 am
1. I never give up learning.
2. I have never stopped learning.
3. you're very good.
4. you are the best.
2011-11-26 6:15 am
I have never given up learning.

I have never stopped learning.

2011-11-25 23:27:50 補充:
DaSaGwa, 間斷and停止are definitely not the same in Chinese, but it's another story when it's written in English. Have a look at the following sentences:

1. I have never stopped to learn.
2. I have never stopped learning.

2011-11-25 23:29:33 補充:
1. 我從未停止(sth)去學習。
2. 我從未停止過學習。("learning" has never been interrupted, = 學習從未被間斷 = 我從未間斷學習)

2011-11-25 23:39:10 補充:
"從未間斷" means the action of "learning" is continuous, so by saying "never stopped learning" indicates such continuous action.

2011-11-25 23:39:31 補充:
"have never suspended learning" means I have never stopped at some point and then continued later, which also indicates a continuous action. So both sayings are correct.
2011-11-26 5:52 am
1 I never stop learning.

2 I never stopped learning.

3 you very good.

4 You are the best.
2011-11-26 5:09 am
I never give up learning.

I never stop learning.

Your’re great/wonderful/remarkable/excellent.
You’re the best.You’re the greatest.

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