Boyfriend tells me am annoying?

2011-11-22 4:06 pm
2 yra together
I am a very jealous girlfriend and when I tell him to not flirt or talk to other girls
He gets mad and tells me to be quiet to leave him alone?
Right now I am in a situation where I don't know if I am pregnant but everything turns out I am I just really need to get a test done
But I don't want to right now
I talk to him about it and told him
What are we going to do ?
He said stop make sure first and leave me alone until you know
And lately he gets annoyed by everything o do or say
What's wrong
I am 20 he's 26

回答 (7)

2011-11-22 4:09 pm
step 1 - take test

If test is positive
Step 2 - Call your boyfriend and see what you can work out.

If test is negative
Step 2 - Get a new boyfriend. He has checked out.
2011-11-22 4:36 pm
First off he should respect you and not flirt with other women----and then he wonders why you are jealous? He needs to grow up already...he is 26 years of age...not far from being 30. Hopefully you aren't pregnant by this guy, he doesn't seem mature enough and nor are you.
2011-11-22 4:15 pm
Ok you were in the wrong with the first thing you said. Not flirting with girls is reasonable but not talking to them? Calm down. Your boyfriend should have the freedom to talk to the opposite sex, just because he does you shouldn't be jealous or weird about it you need to trust him. However he is in the wrong with regards to how he handled you being potentially pregnant. Leave me alone until you know? Wth? He is being an idiot about it, though I am only hearing about one side of the story. I suggest you talk to him and say "look I am not trying to annoy you but I am really worried and would like your support right now. We are in this together." If he says something along the same lines as before or is completely unreasonable I suggest taking a break to re-evaluate things. If it turns out you are not pregnant definitely take the break and question the future and dynamics of this relationship. After 2 years I realize this will be intensely difficult especially if you ARE pregnant, but you need to figure things out because the future might be about to change in a huge way and the child should be entered as secure a world as possible emotionally. Best of luck!
2011-11-22 4:09 pm
It seems like you are a little insecure in your relationship. Why is that? It seems to me like your boyfriend knows that you are and therefore gets annoyed with you. Anyway, since that is none of my business, get the pregnancy test done and then talk to your boyfriend.
2011-11-22 4:09 pm
Pray that you're not pregnant, leave him and go back to school.
2011-11-22 4:09 pm
ask him if he thinks your annoying then why did he go out with you in the first place?
2011-11-22 4:08 pm
You said so yourself, you're very jealous. Guys don't like it when their girl constantly nags them. Maybe you should have a talk with him and find out how he feels about it.

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