Have you ever been accused or got in trouble for something you didn't even do?

2011-11-22 12:22 pm

回答 (11)

2011-11-22 12:25 pm
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yes lots , but it is generally not as bad as the stuff i did do so i just take the punishment in the hope nobody finds out the truth
2011-11-22 8:24 pm
2011-11-22 8:33 pm
No one dies a virgin coz life fuc us all over
2011-11-22 8:30 pm
Yes ... Mum accused me of eating the chocolates in the fridge once. It was not me.. But she didn't believe me.
2011-11-22 8:27 pm
Usually I'm the one framing the other people... xD
2011-11-22 8:26 pm
More than once, more than once.
2011-11-22 8:26 pm
often :) I have a little brother so what can I say...
2011-11-22 8:24 pm
Sure..that is what I hate the most.
2011-11-22 8:23 pm
yeah the washing.
2011-11-22 8:23 pm
yes, in primary school.

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