釋做英文 thx!!!!

2011-11-23 2:02 am
1.對於某些人來說,待在家中上網似乎已經變成了一種流行,有些人就是不想工作,有些人就是不想與人接觸,有些人就是因為太懶而不出門.這種”避世”的行為是否健康??而它是出於怎樣的心理??又會帶來什麼的影響??我們一起來探究一下御宅族的心理吧!!!2.•熱衷於動畫、漫畫及電腦遊戲等次文化的人•男性的御宅族會稱為「宅男」,女性則稱「宅女」。•「宅 =家」•御宅族的意思一般是指不善與人相處或者是一整天待在家中只。•御宅族有貶意的意思。•1.沒有自信的人2.沒有個性和內涵的人•3.未曾拍拖的人4.內向的人 5.個子矮的人 •6.樸素節儉的人7.其貌不揚的人8.無錢的人 •9 .對電腦電子機械攝影模型等個人興趣過份地投入或執著的人3.•頭髮散亂或是很油亮•衣着簡單、不修邊幅•講話與人不着邊際或不注重人際關係•有收集動漫商品的嗜好•有聆聽動漫相關音樂的偏好•整天窩在家內不出門•常用網絡環境代替現實中的交友行為

回答 (2)

2011-11-23 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. for some people, stay at home in the Internet seems to have become a popular, some people just don't want to work, some people just don't want contact with people, some people just because they are too lazy to stay home. this "retire from the world of" whether the conduct of health?? And how it is psychological?? What impact will this?? We work together to explore the psychology of Otaku!!!2.· Interested in animation, comics and computer games of Melchizedek culture people
· Male Otaku would call "Otaku", women are said to "female House".
· "Home = Home"
· Otaku meant generally refers to poor people or a whole day stay at home.
· Otaku has a derogatory meaning.
· 1. no one confident 2. men without individuality and connotation
· 3. not dating people 4. reserved person 5. who is short
· 6. simple frugal people 7. ugly people 8. people who have no money
· 9. personal interests such as photography model on computer and electronic machinery unduly invested or persistent man3.· Scattered or hair very shiny
· Clothing simple, slovenly
· Speech and beyond was forgotten or you don't pay attention to interpersonal relationship
· Collecting hobby anime merchandise
· Have listen to anime-related music preferences
· Nest all day at home doesn't go out
· Commonly used network environments instead of real-world friends
參考: Bing翻譯
2011-11-23 2:06 am
1 For some, the Internet seems to be at home has become a popular, some people just do not want to work, and some people just do not want contact with people, some people are too lazy and not go out because This "Masquerade," the behavior is healthy?? and how it is out of the psychological?? What will the impact?? us together to explore the psychological otaku look it!!!

• interested in animation, comics and computer games and other sub-culture of people • male otaku would be known as "otaku" women called "house woman." • "home = home" • meaning of otaku is generally poor with people or just stay home all day. • otaku have derogatory meaning. • 1. Not confident person 2 people without personality and content • 3. Who has not been dating 4 people within 5 sawed-off people • 6. Simple and frugal people 7 people 8 homely.'s Money people • 9. electro-mechanical computer models and other personal interest in photography into or over-dedicated people
• scattered or very oily hair
• dress is simple, slovenly
• speech and far-fetched or not people pay attention to relationships
• have the habit of collecting anime merchandise
• have to listen to music, animation-related preferences
• nest at home all day does not go out within
• Common network environment instead of the real behavior of friends
參考: google

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