drive safely or drive safe?

2011-11-23 6:58 am
I have been confused about the below question. Please kindly help. ^^"
Grammatically, we should say "Drive safely." and " Play safely.", but why I often hear "Drive safe." and "Play safe."???

Thanks for your help. ^^

回答 (1)

2011-11-23 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案

"Drive safely" is the formally correct phrase.

Saying "drive safe" sounds casual and informal; however, many people do it. This is because, in general, people sometimes use the adjective form as an adverb (usually this means not adding -ly) in casual speech. It is not recommended in any formal situations.

"Do good" is a different kind of issue, because the form depends on the meaning you want to convey.

If "do good" means "do the right/good thing", then "do good" is the formally correct phrase.

If "do good" means "perform correctly/at a high level", then "do well" is the formally correct phrase. (But, as mentioned above, casually you could also say "do good" here.)

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