am i too stupid to learn a language?

2011-11-21 1:32 pm
English as an international language, it's one of the most important tools to connect to the whole world.
And for some of you may not know, In Hong Kong, which used to be a British colony, we learn English since we are in KINDERGARTEN!
There's no doubt that our education system is not perfect or even satisfactory. But i don't think this is fair to attribute to my personal failure in learning a language.
I've always thought that my English isn't bad. But i recently found myself that i am a complete joke.
I can't even speak properly, with a wired intonation and hesitation.
One of my biggest wishes in life is to speak near-perfect English, at least people(non-native) would think you are a native speaker.
And I am actually studying in AUS, what ways can i immerse myself in Australian community?
I scared to communicate with English speaker as i think they would discriminate against me when i make mistakes frequently.

THANK YOU so much!!

回答 (4)

2011-11-21 2:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When people learn new languages, often one of their goals is to become fluent. Fluency takes a long time and a lot of interaction with native speakers. Also, fluency makes goals unrealistic. Obviously, not many people master a language at the level of a native speaker, without spending many years in a native speaking community, and even then, they still may have an accent and they get discouraged and give up. Try not to make your goals unrealistic by targeting absolute fluency. Instead target levels of proficiency. Are you able to understand more than you did before? Are people understanding you better than they did before? And you must not be afraid to talk to people. Most adults are not going to make fun of you. In fact, they may even help you. But without trying, you learn nothing. Keep practicing and you will get better. I promise!

Edit: Plus after having learned English in a classroom setting for years and then suddenly moving to a foreign country where the language is actually spoken can be shocking for foreign speakers. Because they are presented with a lot of slang, and colloquial expressions. Plus, Australian English, American English and British English have very different accents and expressions.
2011-11-21 1:38 pm
No one is too stupid to learn another language, it seems to me that the language you are into you just need to study a bit more. Try to make like flash cards and other studying resources. Also looking into English culture helps a lot too :) i speak English myself and you would probably want a personal tutor since you aren't getting it in class. Wish you best of luck
2011-11-21 3:50 pm
No you are not too stupid.Your message is very good.I have been speaking English since I was a child.Believe me I still make a lot of mistakes and I am already 72.No one knows English or any language perfectly.Stick with it.
參考: Canadian.
2011-11-21 2:30 pm
Practice makes perfect!


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