
2011-11-22 5:58 am
響Metro 17-11-11 Thurs既報紙入面,
Europe appears headed for a recession - if it isn't in one already. Economic growth has all but stopped in Europe, statistics showed yesterday.

1.點解會用contraction, "isn't"既?報紙唔係應該要formal咩?
2.has all but stopped 點解?係咪個order唔同左?
3. isn't in one already點解用already都唔用pp. form? ie. if it has not in one

回答 (4)

2011-11-22 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 點解會用contraction, "isn't"既?報紙唔係應該要formal咩?
Yes, I think you have a point. Normally, reporters would try not to use contraction in their articles except for quotes or dialogues.

2. has all but stopped 點解?係咪個order唔同左?
"all but" is an expression meaning "almost completely".
"has all but stopped" = 已經幾乎完全停頓

3. isn't in one already點解用already都唔用pp. form? ie. if it has not been in one

"already" can be used to emphasize that a situation or problem exists, besides its normal use in the present perfect tense. (Lognman)
e.g. I'm already late.
e.g. There are far too many people already. We can't take any more.

"-- if it isn't in one already" is a kind of emphatically supplemental style of writing. (加強語氣的補充語寫作方法)
(1) "--" dash : the punctuation used to set off a clause or phrase for emphasis or dramatic effect.
(2) "if" clause:used when you are adding that something may be even more, less, better, worse etc than you have just said. =補充語 (Longman)e.g. Brian rarely, if ever, goes to bed before 3 am.e.g. Her needs are just as important as yours, if not more so.e.g. The snow was now two feet deep, making it difficult, if not impossible, to get the car out.
2011-11-22 6:41 pm
"all but" is an idiom. Order and usage:
1) This team is all but eliminated = " ... very close to being eliminated"
2) All but this team have been eliminated = "all except .."
3) All teams but this one have been eliminated = "all teams except .."
2011-11-22 4:03 pm
To you:-
(1)Not formal "isn't"=an news intimate use for readers.
(2)=has stopped in gd order,in news order,in simple order.Hence grammar are in good order.
(3)already=adv=modifying "isn't"=unrelated to pp.form to has not or has been not.The news is continued.Grammar isnt in-correct but correct.
2011-11-22 12:41 pm
3咁e+都發生緊,already係已經,唔一定用完成式,通常考文法先用.完成式似口語同朋友傾偈,而且形容狀態成日都真嘅,例:she is beautiful通常用最簡單嘅現在式,故事用過去式,佢呢句話「歐洲呈現衰退跡象,如果唔係一體咁團結嘅話」.前文都用現在式,文法都話冇唔同就跟前文...

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