After spending several weeks on the job,Jennifer was surprised to discover that her father had not formally evaluatedany employee's performance for all the years that he had owned the business.Jack’s position was that he had "a hundred higher-priority things toattend to," such as boosting sales and lowering costs, and, in any case,many employees didn't stick around long enough to be appraisable anyway.furthermore, contended jack, manual workers such as those doing the pressingand the cleaning did periodically get positive feedback in terms of praise fromjack for a job well done, or criticism, also form jack, if things did not bookright during one of his swings through the about store problems so that they,too, got some feedback on where they stood.This informal feedback notwithstanding,Jennifer believes that a more formal appraisal approach is required. Shebelieves that there are criteria such as quality, quantity, attendance, andpunctuality that should be evaluated periodically even if a worker is paid onpiece rate. Furthermore, she feels quite strongly that the managers need tohave a list of quality standards for matters such as store cleanliness,efficiency, safety, and adherence to budget on which they know they are to beformally evaluated.
1. is jennifer right about the need to evaluate the workers formally? the managers? why or why not?
2. develop a performance appraisal method for the workers and managers in each store.