What is/was the hardest part of learning astrology for you?

2011-11-20 10:26 am
I had a tough time learning about the degrees of the zodiac. It took me years to understand how aspects work in a natal chart. I had to learn the hard way that you have to understand the degrees in order to understand the aspects! Very confusing!

回答 (7)

2011-11-20 4:18 pm
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Yes that was confusing me for the longest time too! I always wondered whether it was the degrees of the planets or the placement of the planets in their houses.
I still think that synthesizing all the information together in a chart is hard.

Edit: You should start a blog! Your insight would be great!
2011-11-20 2:46 pm
8 The hardest part for me was the erection of a chart. The math was excruciating! Now there are sites that do all the math so I can concentrate on the human part of the chart.
2011-11-20 11:24 am
You know what I didn't know that. Hmm :-/ do you recommend any books on that? Or a web source? And for me when it's how to read a synastry o_O
2011-11-20 10:47 am
The hardest was understanding other zodiac signs their nature. I used to find Aquarius really confusing but now i have worked them out ;-)
I dont know my exact birth time so i dont get degrees and all that at all. So i just go by what i do know my dominate placements. I would love to know my full chart but im having trouble getting my birth time.
2011-11-20 10:43 am
nothing was really hard to learn
the hardest part was finding the information.
2011-11-20 3:46 pm
That anyone would want it to work.
2016-02-26 4:46 pm
More people would actually understand astrology if they took the same approach that I did. Most people are so all over the place. I learned what each thing meant then one day it just all clicked together. I can actually read a chart. Most people can't. I would choose not to have learned it at all if that were possible. It is impossible to truly understand other people. They are mostly irrational. Astrology is interesting but ultimately a waste of time.

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