以下幾句英文的grammar 對不對?

2011-11-21 7:36 am
1:why this book song quantity more than that book?

2:I'm not getting enough sleep.

3:Do you understand what we are talking about?

lt's that correct with above grammar of sentence?

回答 (3)

2011-11-21 9:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一句。。totally 唔make sense
1. Why does this book have more songs than that one? Or
How come this book has more songs than that one?
第二句 正確。。 !!


第四句又唔MAKE SENSE 啦! 想問人D GRAMMAR 岩唔岩其實好簡單。。
you can ask like this: Are these sentences grammatically correct ?
Any grammar mistakes in these sentences ?
Is the grammar okay in these sentences ?

2011-11-21 13:24:48 補充:
By the way 另外個3位有D答案都係錯OTZ。。。
參考: I'm an international student=)
2011-11-21 5:30 pm
1. 為什麼這本書的歌曲比那一本書多?
Why is that this book has more songs than that book?
Why does this book have more songs than that book?

2. 我不夠睡!
I haven't got enough sleep (lately)!

3. 你明不明白我們在說什麼?
Do you understand what we are talking about?
Did you understand what we've been talking about?

Are my sentences grammatically correct?
2011-11-21 8:18 am
1. why the music of this book is more than that book?

2.I cannot get enough sleep.<--指每天

3.Do you understand what are we talking about?

Is it correct in my grammer

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