company accounts ratio(好急要感激)

2011-11-20 10:02 am
Dale is in business as a sole trader.You are presented with the following summarized information relating to his business for the year to 31 Octover 20X8.
a)Base on the avrove information ,calculate eieht recognized accounting ratios
b)list additional information you would need in order to undertake a detailed
ratio abalysis of Dale's business for the year to year to 31 October 20X8

the question provided Profit and loss account and balance sheet for the year enfef 31 Octover 20X8

In part a,i want to ask which eight ratios ,i need to calculate.

in part b, i want a help to answer part b answer. or answer what additional information the question request to list.

回答 (1)

2011-11-21 11:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
In part a, i want to ask which eight ratios ,i need to calculate. Ratios that Measure Liquidity (Solvency) 1.) Current (or working capital) ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities2.) Acid-test (or quick) ratio = Quick assets / Current liabilitiesRatios that Measure Efficiency (Activity) 1.) Accounts receivable turnover = Net credit sales / Average trade receivable (net)2.) Age of accounts receivable = 365 (days) / Accounts receivable Ratios that Measure Equity and Coverage 1.) Debt to equity = Total liabilities / Owners’ equity2.) Debt to total assets = Total liabilities / Total assetsRatios that Measure Profitability 1.) Profit margin on sales = Income / Net sales2.) Return on investmenta.) On total assets = Income plus interest expense (after tax) / Average total assetsb.) On owners’ equity = Income / Average owners’ equityin part b, i want a help to answer part b answer. or answer what additional information the question request to list. 1.) Working capital 2.) Defensive assets3.) Projected daily operational expenditures4.) Cost of goods sold5.) Average inventory6.) Average working capital7.) Average total assets8.) Net cash flow from operations
參考: 小魚槍手

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