
2011-11-21 7:35 am
But proposals for protecting the porbeagle shark, classified as vulnerable to extinction on the internationally recognised Red List, were rebuffed

classified as vulnerable to extinction on the internationally recognised Red List

as vulnerable to extinction
as adj to N 是什麼句形?

哪 vulnerable to extinction 整個是N嗎?

回答 (2)

2011-11-21 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該如此斷句:classified as / vulnerable to extinction / on the internationally recognised Red List [說明:classified as: 被分類為。vulnerable to + N: (片語)易於受到某甚危害或攻擊,對某種危害沒有抵抗力。vulnerable to extinction: 瀕臨絕種(對絕種威脅沒有抵抗能力)。the internationally recognised Red List: 國際認可的紅色名單]

2011-11-21 00:59:49 補充:
IUCN Red List 包含CR, EN, VU 三個等級內的物種。
此處 extinction = extinction risk.

2011-11-21 12:19:17 補充:
Vulnerable to extinction 整個是N嗎?
也可以看成 a species vulnerable to extinction (瀕臨滅絕物種)
Species (單、複數同形)物種。
2011-11-21 8:22 am
I think you mis-read it. "vulnerable to extinction" is one of the category on the IUCN redlist. I think it is the "VU" category as defined below.

Categories in IUCN conservation statuses
Summary of 2006 IUCN Red List categories.
Extinct (EX) - No individuals remaining.
Extinct in the Wild (EW) - Known only to survive in captivity, or as a naturalized population outside its historic range.
Critically Endangered (CR) - Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
Endangered (EN) - High risk of extinction in the wild.
Vulnerable (VU) - High risk of endangerment in the wild.
Near Threatened (NT) - Likely to become endangered in the near future.
Least Concern (LC) - Lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Data Deficient (DD) - Not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction.
Not Evaluated (NE) - Has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.

2011-11-21 21:41:40 補充:

vulnerable to extinction 整個是N嗎?是的!
他就是Vulnerable (VU) - High risk of endangerment in the wild.

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