Have you seen the movie Cold Mountain or Casablanca?

2011-11-20 6:30 am
This is a random question, but if you have seen these movies...
Would you consider them long-distance relationship movies?

回答 (4)

2011-11-20 6:40 am
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I have seen both movies. Casablanca is probably my favorite of all time.. I guess I would consider Cold Mountain a long distance relationship movie. Since Jude Law went away to the war. And Kidman was left waiting for him to return. I don't remember them being in contact really over the long distance while he was gone but it was more like a tough journey while he worked his way back to his love.
Casablanca was more of a meeting your long lost love again theme. Rick and Ilsa had a relationship at one time and still had feeling for each other but in the end it shows they have both gone their separate ways.
2011-11-20 6:55 am
Not really, because the people don't communicate while they are apart. I think they are more about loving someone who is out of your life for a time or forever.
2016-10-24 4:49 pm
Hook (with Tim Curry, Robin Williams), right here are gay-themed video clips: Jeffrey, Torch song Trilogy (omg), barren area Hearts, while night Is Falling, Brokeback Mountain (oh my god what a saaaaad ending), lost and Delirious (omg unhappy) All-time saddest: Gorillas interior the Mist (THE saddest, i'm no longer able to even watch all of it and that i'm no longer able to provide up crying once I watch any of it), and have faith it or no longer, Chasing Amy makes me bawl my eyes out.
2011-11-20 6:34 am
I've seen Cold Mountain and yes I would consider that movie to kind of be like a long distance relationship. Nicole Kidman is waiting at home for her soldier to come back home to her. It was a beautiful movie. I liked it! :)

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