SCMP報章問題{好急}!!! 20點

2011-11-19 7:16 pm
請問有無一個網可以比我睇返以前SCMP d報導,我上過 要$$先睇得返..
如果無,有無人可以將16/11既一篇叫New pollution traps...既報導成篇話比我聽牙;

回答 (1)

2011-11-20 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

Cheung Chi-fai
Nov 16, 2011
A remote sensing device is tested in Hammer Hill Road, Diamond Hill. The machines will be used to identify petrol and LPG vehicles pumping out excessive emissions.Environment officials are setting a hi-tech trap for drivers whose vehicles pump out invisible fumes. The new detection system will be aimed at 490,000 vehicles powered by petrol and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). These emit pollutants more difficult to spot than those from diesel-powered vehicles, which spew out black smoke. Devices using infrared and ultraviolet beams will measure the concentrations of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. The machines will also photograph the vehicle and record its registration number and speed. Vehicles that exceed the limits and whose owners fail to rectify the problem could be deregistered under the scheme, which will be rolled out in the next two years. Two sets of remote sensing devices will be installed 15 metres apart at each selected detection point. Two readings showing excess emissions will lead to enforcement action. The officials have shortlisted about 100 roads and streets across the city suitable for installing the devices, which will be placed at five different spots every day on rotation. Highways and roads with multiple lanes will not be selected as the devices work best in single lane roads, such as connecting routes to busy corridors like Cotton Tree Drive and Lung Cheung Road.

因為文章有4千多字, 而這裡最多只可以載2千字, 所以不能copy比你, 你自己上上面的網址睇吧!

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 05:36:04
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