Why are atheists celebrating Christmas next month?

2011-11-19 2:59 am
Im talking directly to those who spend their days trying to trash Christianity on these boards all the time. How come you celebrate the birth of Jesus every year? Simple question which Ive never heard a good answer to yet.

Tom, I agree I think deep down they believe as well & they'll admit it to themselves eventually.


Keep your answers about yourselves, I didn't ask for comments about me.

回答 (28)

2011-11-19 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
I've seen this question on here before.
And you'll probably get all the same answers that the last person got who asked it.
1. Presents
2. Fun
3. Family
4. It's really a pagan holiday and Jesus was born in the spring.
參考: I am Christian but i know all of the Atheist reasons. My source is Yahoo Answers.
2011-11-19 3:02 am
Lol @ you thinking Christmas has anything to do with Christianity.
2011-11-19 3:01 am
In reality, Christians are celebrating a Latinized form of a Germanic holiday, Yule. Although there are many celebrations held on the 25th, by different societies and religions, Christmas is most heavily based off the pagan celebration for the New Year.
2011-11-19 3:03 am
Why do Christians celebrate a pagan holiday...

The answer to both is the same, you were raised into it and it has stuck with you.
參考: fool
2011-11-19 3:02 am
Mostly because it pisses off stupid fundies.
2011-11-19 3:02 am
I celebrate the Winter Solstice by giving donations to charity. I'll bet you celebrate it by looking down your nose at people who don't share your belief system and buying lots of crap.
2011-11-19 3:01 am
presents ...whats wrong with free stuff :)
2011-11-19 3:00 am
Because Christmas is fun?
2011-11-19 3:01 am
Big-boob Christian women bounce their
immoral boobs on Atheists heads at X-mas parties.

I keep mine shaved just for those occasions:
2011-11-19 3:04 am
As a Christian, why do you follow the pagan holiday of Christmas? Also, isn't gluttony a sin?
2011-11-19 3:01 am
Nothing wrong with taking advantage of retarded holidays to get free stuff, americans do it all the time.
2011-11-19 3:00 am
Presents. Kind of disgusting, but nice boobs.
2011-11-19 3:04 am
Why are christians celebrating Xmas? - nowhere in the bible does it state that Jesus was born on December 25th nor that it is required to celebrate the birth of Christ. December 25th is the time of the 'winter solstice', which was used as ancient Pagan ritual for the birth of numerous Sun-Gods, such as the Egyptian God Horus or the Roman God Mythria. The 'winter solstice' became 'Christmas'. 'Halloween' become the 'All Saints Day'. The Spring Rebirth became 'Easter'.
2011-11-19 3:03 am
Christmas is from pagan origins, why do you celebrate a pagan holiday?
2011-11-19 3:03 am
I don't celebrate the birth of Jesus. I can't unintentionally do that. I celebrate family time, that is all.
2011-11-19 3:01 am
They believe
2011-11-19 3:17 am
Cuz it's fun ...

and it isn't even close to your Christs birthday... just one more thing you guys claim as your own and has nothing to do with reality... I can celebrate a holiday without accepting your claims...

EDIT: Believe what you will, it seems to be what you do best... evidence does not appear to be necessary, you just claim it... and 'believe' it's true....

BTW, the day was chosen by the church to coincide with the pagan celebrations at that time in order to facilitate forced Christian conversions... they couldn't sell the idea without it and have used it in many cases throughout history.

EDIT: You made personal observations and claims, especially unsubstantiated ones, and you will get replies...

2011-11-19 3:08 am
This is a very easy one, actually. Nearly every culture stretching back to pre-historic times celebrates the Winter Solstice in some manner. Christmas is just one name for that celebration. Those of us who are not Christian aren't celebrating the "birth of Jesus" at all. For many it is the holiday of another religion (I'm celebrating Yule) and for others it is a secular holiday like so many others. For instance - should only tradespeople get the day of on Labour Day? If you look around at the most obvious characteristics of the holiday - decorated trees, Santa Claus, gift giving, NONE of that has anything at all to do with "Jesus" so there is no reason not to partake of it.
2011-11-19 3:09 am
For many people Christmas is more than just Jesus, it's a time to give the gift of your presence with the people you love and it doesn't hurt that we give each other things to show our appreciation for one another. Why should a family exclude their atheist kin from celebrating the gift of being together? Would Jesus really want that?
2011-11-19 6:00 pm
Because the Holiday season and even December 25'th was a time of festivities before Christians Hijacked and held the season hostage forcing the name to be changed and the whole thing to be an obsess fest over the J-word.

Normal people who like to have a nice time exchanging gifts with friends/family and decorating the house would like OUR holidays back. We refuse to stop enjoying Yuletide/Saturnalia/Solstice/whatevertheflavor just because someone has the audacity to lay claim to a pagan holiday they stole.

PS: We don't celebrate the birth of your mangodsavior. YOU do. The rest of us enjoy not having a stick up our backside and enjoy good food, snowmen, reindeer, snowflakes, festive trees, mistletoe, yule logs, stockings, presents, and all the other stuff that has NOTHING to do with Jesus.
2011-11-19 3:17 am
I believe the date dec 25 was really a pagan day they celebrated the sun. If you think christ was born on that day you should spend some time researching it. You would see that the birth of christ day and month is unknown and on top of that if he even existed at all.

People all over the world who are not christians celebrate that day. I think of it as a time for peace and good will. Commercialized American has made xmas much less about christ.

Now that I think about it. Christmas is really an Atheist holiday. (Dec 25)
2011-11-19 3:28 am
A holiday is a holiday regardless of the name or significance for some. BTW I know you took that picture from an internet website.
2011-11-19 3:10 am
My family is christian, and I like presents
2011-11-19 3:08 am
I eat Chinese food and see a movie. It's a tradition.
2011-11-19 3:08 am
I don't celebrate Christmas itself, but we get a free holiday and potential gifts! If I'm honest, there aren't many Christians out there who celebrate christmas because it is 'the birth of jesus'. Sad, but true. I think the Christmas that people celebrate today has lost it's meaning in a lot of ways, it has become almost a bit trashy.
參考: Atheist
2011-11-19 3:03 am
Because I like t give and receive gifts? Is there something wrong with that? Also why are you celebrating? because some 2,000 year old zombie jew was born?
參考: Also, your a pagan sinner
2011-11-19 3:06 am
it's the right thing to do
2011-11-19 3:05 am
They brainwashed themselves with some nonsense about Christians "stealing" this day and making it Christmas ?? i lol. Also, you see how atheists are VAIN stubborn people. They clearly know very little about God and Christianity. So as you see all they care about are the gifts (material things) and following what the rest of the world does. Its pretty pathetic. Claim there is no God or Jesus but will throw up a Christmas tree with material things under it.


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