Is this what a typical Pisces is like...? Self sabotaging?

2011-11-18 11:35 pm
I like being sarcastic and rude to and about people, I'm basically a ***** but I'm not bitchy (as in I'm not fake and pretend to be friends with people that I talk about). I like to be known as mysterious, vague and for people to think that I'm a ***** so I'm not approachable almost as though I enjoy haters because they're just jealous. But then at times I feel down and get annoyed when I find out people have been bitching about me and being 2 faced... is this normal? If not why do I do this!? It's like I love self sabotaging.

Pisces sun, libra moon, gemini rising, cancer mars, aries venus.

回答 (2)

2011-11-19 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, Pisces can be self-sabotaging. And most of the pisces I know are sarcastic too. Alright, so you like being vague and mysterious, not a bad thing. I'm kinda the same way. But it does make you misunderstood, also not a bad thing, not everything needs to be understood anyways. Yet this poses a problem if you dont want people to say negative things behind your back. Look, people are gonna talk regardless, its just the way people are. But being a ***** and expecting people not to be b*tching about you is kinda, well,its not helping you. Pisces is also the sign of maryrdom, so it does seem fitting that you enjoy it. You can still be mysterious, vague,undefined, and sarcastic without being or coming off as a b*tch. You seem very self-aware so I'm sure you'll figure it out. If not ask close friends how you come off and look for ways to improve
參考: Leo sun, Cancer rising-Venus. Pisces moon. Not that it has to do with anything.
2011-11-19 7:45 am
Im a Pisces, and the idea that the stars rule my existences is radicals. Im a realist ( don't tell me that's a Pisces trate ) however I to am rude and like people to think im a t**t. How about the idea we are both idiots...

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