Question about fake ID in Taiwan?

2011-11-18 4:32 pm
does anyone know were to buy a fake id card in Taiwan?

回答 (4)

2011-11-19 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Local police station in Taiwan should be able to help you out. Failing that try making some enquiries at the National Immigration Agency.

Make sure you stress it's a fake ID you want, and not a genuine one.
2011-11-19 5:13 am
Taiwan's national ID card is very high-tech. There hasn't been counterfeit ID card cases in recent years.

There are many occasions that require two forms of ID - the national ID card and the Universal Health Care ID card. I haven't heard of cases of counterfeit Universal Health Care ID card, either. These are all linked to computer systems and can be easily verified.

There are however, some fake work permit paper out there. There were illegal workers found and were deported.

Do NOT attempt to get fake ID card in Taiwan. You'd be reported and deported.
2011-11-19 12:11 pm
Yes. I probably do. But, why would you want to do something illegal?
參考: WNL
2011-11-20 4:39 pm
If you get any fake Taiwan ID, you will be caught. All Taiwan ID is authenticated, I work in the bank and I know because we have a software to test if ID is authenticate or fake. So, having a fake ID will just get you more trouble.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 11:38:08
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