
2011-11-19 7:21 am
The chairs are over there? (造原問句)
我的答案: What are those over there?
老師堅持: What is it over there?
老師說: 你怎麼會知道他是複數? 所以非人就以it當代名詞。 我的答案和邏輯不對嗎??????????????????

您的意思是.. 題目中是在主詞地方劃底線 剛好畫底線處也是事物,所以造原問句用What = What 拿來當主詞/(wh-/How問句當主詞一律視為三單) 所以後面理當接單數be動詞 is.... 我這邏輯對嗎?

回答 (3)

2011-11-19 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
The chairs are over there? (造原問句)我的答案: What are those over there?老師堅持: What is it over there?老師說: 你怎麼會知道他是複數? 所以非人就以it當代名詞。 我的答案和邏輯不對嗎??????????????????
正確是: What is over there?
The chairs are over there. 劃線部分是 the chairs,改成問句是,就是把主詞the chairs 用what 疑問代名詞改寫就對了。
The chairs = S are= Vi over there = SC
What = S is = Vi over there = SC
參考: 本人
2011-11-19 11:06 am
The chairs are over there? (造原問句)
我的答案: What are those over there?
老師堅持: What is it over there?
老師說: 你怎麼會知道他是複數? 所以非人就以it當代名詞。 我的答案和邏輯不對嗎??????????????????國一生能如此思考問題不簡單 以後必大有可為 你的問題可以兩層面來看
(1)完全不知有啥東西 over there 這樣你和老師的答案都錯 這時 What該當
疑問主詞而不是主詞補語 所以這情形的正解是
What is over there?
(2)知道有東西 over there 那你的答案比老師的好 因已知ㄧ些東西over there
還不去確認主詞是複數(these/those) 而用 What is it over there?是可笑的

繼續加油 但常來我的部落格練功不失為好方法

2011-11-19 04:47:51 補充:
我的部落格有:英文文法 英文的學習心得 英檢的實戰經驗 英檢初級和中級
文法題庫可練功 和一些可供思考的文章 歡迎來逛逛
2011-11-19 10:44 am
What is over there?
There is a chair over there. (or)
There are some chairs over there.

What is it over there?
It's a chair.
It's the chair.

What are those over there?
Those are some chairs.
Those are the chairs.

2011-11-19 02:52:29 補充:
(1)如果你看不到物件,無法肯定數量,應該用 what is over there?
(2)如果你看得到物件,並且肯定是單數,用 what is it over there?
(3)如果你看得到物件,並且肯定是複數,用 what are those over there?

>>> 老師說: 你怎麼會知道他是複數? 所以非人就以it當代名詞。

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