most 文法?

2011-11-19 6:13 am
I like that brand of coffee most(最).
請問 大大 most 是否為(程度)副詞? 用來
修飾前面的[動詞] like ? 本句型 most 一定要置˙於最後嗎?

回答 (2)

2011-11-19 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
是的!請看下列三句的比較: I like brand AAA very much. (我很喜歡)I like brand BBB more (than AAA). (我比較喜歡)I like brand CCC most. (我最喜歡) 依序,三個句子的 much, more, most ,就分別是副詞的原級、比較級、最高級。 該副詞的確是拿來修飾[動詞] like的。 就本句,most也只能放最後,而不適合挪到其它位置。

2011-11-19 13:03:33 補充:
To Nobodyfantasy,
She is the most beautiful girl in the class. (特定形容詞一定要加the)
She is most beautiful. (敘述用法形容詞不用加the)
I like her most. (在副詞用法前多不加the)
當然也可說I like her the most.
2011-11-19 11:09 am
shouldn't it be: I like brand CCC the most?

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