Prob with double amputee getting to potty chair?

2011-11-18 2:07 am
She is using a "sliding board" and has fallen three times. Please help? Her legs were amputated below her knee. Is healing from 2nd amputation as 1st was in 2008. Anything will be appreciated. Thank you.

回答 (6)

2011-11-18 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am an RN and know for a fact that getting from the bed onto a standard bedside commode is difficult for many people, mainly because "arm" on the commode closest to the bed gets in the way. A bedside commode with an arm that lowers would allow the person to simply slide from the side of the bed onto the commode and back.They cost a little more than a standard bedside commode. There are many price levels on the internet but can be found for less than $100. There are also siderails that slide under the mattress and provide a handle to to use for support. Can she get a hospital bed with a trapeze bar? That can help. Also, upper body strengthening with some light weights, or even cans of food, can help build upper body strength which makes transferring a little easier and safer. Is she getting physical therapy?
2011-11-18 2:09 am
Is she working with an occupational therapist? A therapist will be able to teach her how to use the board properly, or develop a different method for her to get to the potty.
2017-02-23 5:36 pm
參考: Reduce Diabetes Now
2017-02-10 9:11 pm
參考: Sweating Too Much Medications
2016-05-02 10:27 am
Life style is often part of the issue. Life style changes now could delay or prevent you from getting diabetes later. Learn here

What you eat is not actually the cause of diabetes, but how you live can be. If you sit on the couch all day, your chances of developing diabetes goes up greatly.

Just do the best you can to not gain weight and to maintain an active life style and that will greatly help reduce some of your risks.
2016-03-14 12:46 pm
put it next to the big potty - show her what the big potty does and explain to her that hers does the same thing - only it's her size. also, with the summer months coming up, you have a great opportunity. When you have nowhere to go, tell her that she is going to start going pee pee in the potty. get cool little underwear with her favorite cartoon character on them and put her in them and a t-shirt - no pants. the first day, every 15 minutes or so, take her to the potty. In between potty visits, give her lots and lots to drink. praise her when she pees in the potty. If she has an accident, remember it's just that - an accident. Stay calm, tell her it's ok, you'll try again. Clean her up and start over. Good luck.

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