various life 和varied life有何不同

2011-11-17 5:36 pm

As to me, I am used to a busy and various city life (我翻譯的)
As far as I concerned, I am used to a busy andvaried city life (解答)
問題一. various city life 不對嗎
varied city life 與various city life 有何不同
In fact, there many advantage in living in a citybesides(in addition to) pollution.(我翻譯的)
In fact, there many advantage in living in a city except pollution.(解答)
except ,除了……沒有
我查文法書,besides(in addition to) ,除了…還有
依據中文題意,為除了汙染還有住在都市的利益,故我覺得應該用besides( in addition to) 回 覆
總而言之,住在乾淨純樸的鄉下比交通壅擠又汙染嚴重的都是好多了In generally, It is better to live in tidy and simply country than to live in jammed traffic and serious pollution city(我翻譯)In short, It is much better to live in the clean and simple country than in the city where there are jammed traffic and serious pollution.(解答)
開往學校的公車,每三十分鐘一班The busbound for school every 30minutes (我翻譯)The bus for school run at intervals of 30 minutes.(解答)問題4.


In fact, there are many advantages in living in a city besides(in addition to) pollution.(我翻譯的) In fact, there are many advantages in living in a city except pollution.(解答) 問題二: 為除了汙染還有住在都市的利益,故我覺得應該用besides( in addition to) 此題重點是解答中的 except對還是錯

回答 (2)

2011-11-17 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.varied life 是譯成改變的生活不是多變化的所以你對.
2.besides 後面不接N.你要用in addition to 或者except才接名詞.
Besides, in addition to all the above I'll mention the reducing of global warming.
In short, It is much better to live in the clean and simple country than in the city where there are jammed traffic and serious pollution.(解答)
因為in general 是通常地

2011-11-19 22:47:04 補充:
2011-11-18 12:59 pm
解答的 As far as I concerned (X),
- as far as I'm concerned (O).

解答的 there many advantage (X),
- there are many advantages


2011-11-18 05:02:44 補充:
besides =
in addition (to something) / moreover / furthermore / what's more / also / as well as / on top of that / etc.

except =
apart from / other than / with the exception of / but / etc.

2011-11-18 05:09:29 補充:

In conclusion, it is much better to live in the clean and simple country(side) than to live in the city where there are many traffic jams and serious problems of pollutions.

2011-11-18 05:16:46 補充:
In fact, there many advantage in living in a city besides pollution.

In fact, there many advantage in living in a city except pollution.

2011-11-18 05:23:26 補充:
I love many great things about you besides your good personality.

I love many great things about you except your bad personality.


2011-11-19 01:04:07 補充:
There are many advantages besides pollution. (X)
There are many advantages except pollution. (O)

The first sentence COUNTS "pollution" as an advantage, whereas the second sentence EXCLUDES "pollution" as an advantage.


2011-11-19 01:39:41 補充:
varied city life (O)
various city life (X)

varied = showing variation or variety (多姿多彩的 / 多變的)
various = of different kinds or sorts (不同種類的)

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