
2011-11-17 7:48 am
如題.. 請幫忙翻譯以下, 萬分感激

客戶不能在免費倉期內提貨是由於機場沒收到sender的文件, 最終機場向客戶收取了storage, 而客戶因急於提貨所以先支付有關倉租.

回答 (5)

2011-11-18 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
翻譯要融會貫通, 把字句直譯會變得生硬而且不通順。Thesender did not send the concerning documents to the airport within the freestorage period. As a result, when thecustomer collected the urgently needed goods, storage charge was paid.Thecustomer is now claiming the storage charge since the sender had caused this problem.
2011-11-19 3:25 pm
Owing to the delay of receipt of the bill of lading by the Airport authority who do not allowed the customer or buyer to obtain the goods. As the buyer urged to obtain that goods then the Airport authority had charged him the storage fees for overtime period. In order to settle that fees, the customer reveals that the fees on question should be paid by the sender or supplier instead because of the delay in sending the bill of lading.
2011-11-17 6:04 pm
Customers can't pick up the free storage period, the airport did not receive the sender is the file, and ultimately the airport to charge the storage, and customers rush to pick up so first to pay the warehouse rent.
Customers are required to reflect the cost of transfer payments by the sender because the problem is not that they produce.
2011-11-17 1:45 pm
Our customer cannot take the goods within the free storage period, due to the airport has not received the sender's document, finally the airport charges the customer and he pays for urgency, but he reflects that the fee should be charged to sender because he has no responsibility for the document delay
2011-11-17 8:02 am
...... 因有關問題不是他們產生的. 不知所云?

2011-11-17 11:52:47 補充:
Our customer's failure to take delivery of the goods within the free-storage period is due to the fact that the air cargo warehouse/the airport warehouse has not received the sender's documents. Finally, the customer is required to pay overdue storage for urgent delivery.

2011-11-17 11:56:05 補充:
Now this customer claims that the sender should bear the afore-said storage resulting from his late submission of the required documents.

2011-11-17 12:04:15 補充:
發問者: 因為沒有提貨單據是不能提貨的, 所以用上" late submission"一語, 比較合情理.

2011-11-18 21:22:55 補充:
Finally ------> Eventually

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