F.3 Physics 唔明 pls help :D

2011-11-17 4:19 am
1. When sunlight pass through a water droplet, it is dispersed into the colour spectrum, but why only one colour from each droplet reaches our eye?

2. ‘’If you shine green light on a red or blue object, the object absorbs green light and reflects no light. Thus a red or blue object appears black in green light.’’ Red object唔係absorb red light ga meh? Blueobject唔係absorb blue light ga meh?

3. The electromagnetic spectrum ge frequency--low同high分別代表d咩?

4. ‘’A convex lens can produce images different in size from the objects.’’ 點解會一時produce大image,一時produce細ge?

Q2: 聽人講話著黑色衫會熱d,係咪因為黑色ge野會吸曬全部光? 仲有如果曬緣光落植物上,係咪會reflect曬,而做唔到photosynthesis? Q3:radio waves係low frequency while gamma rays 係high frequency,咁有咩分別?係咪危險d? Q4請問咩係principal axis? 咁concave lens係咪只會produce smaller images ga? Thanks a million ar ^^



回答 (2)

2011-11-17 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. If the angle of dispersion is wide, then only a single coloured light from the spectrum is at a suitable angle t your eyes that enables you to see it. Other coloured lights are dispersed at different angles that are not caught by your eyes.

2. You see an object appears RED because it only reflects RED light. Likewise, you see an object blue becuase it only reflects blue light, and so on.

Thus, when other coloured lights shine on a red object, all these coloured lights are absorbed (i.e. not reflected). In the absence of any reflected light, you cannot see the object. It appears black to you.

3. I suppose you refer to the visible range in the electromagnetic spectrum. In the visible spectrum, violet and blue are at the high frequency end, wereas red is at the low frequency end. The different frequencies are seen by human eyes as different colours.

4. This depends on the locations of the image formed from the lens. If the image is formed behind and close to the convex lens, it size is small. On the other hand, if the image is formed farther away from the convex lens, its size is large.

The reson is simple. Image is formed by intersection of light rays after refraction from the lens. If the point of intersection is farther away from the lens, the intersection point must also be far away from the principal axis, thus producing a large size image.

2011-11-18 13:56:07 補充:
Your suppl question:
Magnifying glass is a convex lens. The image formed by distant object is a real image and is formed behind the mirror (at the same side as your eye). Any image formed by lenses not on the same side of the object must be inverted.
2011-11-17 5:19 am
2. 所謂既red object 即係一件物件會reflect red light,其他顏色係reflect 唔到,而green light 無紅光,咁照落去,無紅光反射,而綠光反射唔到,咁所以就會無光反射,blue object 理同上。

4. Convex lens 其實唔係一時produce 大image 同細image,佢一直都係只會produce大image唔會produce 細image,所謂大image其實係我地既錯覺,大image係因為個object比focus point更接近個convex lens因此光會散開,咁我地會自動地將所有散開既光延伸出去後聚焦個點當成我地睇到既野,而延伸出去既係大D所以就有大image,其實同concave lens 係差唔多,concave lens都係因為錯覺所以先會有小image 既出現。

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