
2011-11-17 3:53 am

回答 (3)

2011-11-19 4:23 am
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In Catholicism, Jesus died for us sinners.

Firstly, He endured the pain for us in His way to Mount Calvary to be nailed on the cross and sacrificed His life so that we human beings suffer less in our lives.

Secondly, Jesus performs miracles in our lives and give us countless blessings in our everyday life so that we can perform extraordinary things that we might not be able to imagine as long as we are faithful and pray to God unceasingly. Although sometimes Jesus do not give us the answer that we have been asking for, Catholics believe that the way God has directed is the way that suit human beings the best.

Thirdly, Jesus is a faithful, loyal listener. He listens to our prayers and provide us comfort and consolation through sending angels around us, to lift away our sorrows and worries so that we would feel better. Whenever you feel lost or confused, Jesus is always ready to listen and offer help by conferring graces on us, including giving us the courage or determination that might be required as we complete tasks or make important decisions. We can always ask for the spiritual support and strength from Jesus.

Pray hard to feel God's love and grace for you. Despite that you might not feel God's presence at all times and might be uncertain of the path He has planned for you, keep persevering in prayer. May God bless and keep you in all your endeavours.

2011-11-17 8:10 pm
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2011-11-17 5:48 pm
羅 馬 書 6:23
因 为 罪 的 工 价 乃 是 死 ; 惟 有 神 的 恩 赐 , 在 我 们 的 主 基 督 耶 稣 里 , 乃 是 永 生 。

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