兒童心理學 master

2011-11-16 3:51 pm
Hi,我宜家在UK讀緊大學(year1psychology).將來計劃讀master兒童心理學(childand developmental),邊間大學較好(how about Taiwan or USA)?其實好想番香港讀,不過香港冇我想讀個科,因將來想在香港工作(兒童工作者),宜家需要有D咩準備?Thankyou thankyou~

回答 (1)

2011-11-26 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is glad to hear somebody interested in psychology. I think there is no need to study at Asian countries since you are doing well at the UK. As soon as you find a master program that fits your area and goal, you can take it; even though there are two main things that may help your selection.

First : Academic requirement of the master program (at least a B average but also depends on the university.

Second : sensitive to developmental psychology (normally child psyc today refers to developmental psyc, you may find a master program or course based on the term "child"; but in general, developmental psyc includes what you looking for.

You can base on your academic performance to select your university, not necessary the best school but maybe a university within 400 of the ranking system. HK accepts psychologist from Australia, UK, US and Canada for registration, this is for people who has at least a master degree, therefore you have many choices; it is not a bad idea to ask early.

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