Does anyone know of a online religious ministry that i can join?

2011-11-15 2:51 pm

I am a christian [non-denominational] i need a online ministry / church thing that i can access on a daily basis. one with alot of features like live chat and mentoring, bible study forum, daily devotions etc...

I am not a JW so the site does not apply to me. I am more an Evangelical christian. i have trieds many like IOM Online Ministry, but this one does not work.


To: The Mom: I have view the JW website and i love the reading materials but it is not what i am looking for. I want a site where it has live interactive chat / forums and daily updates on sermons, devotions etc.

回答 (9)

2011-11-15 2:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i tried too but every website is porn nowadays
2011-11-15 10:58 pm you do not have to be a Jehovah Witness to check out this website
2011-11-15 10:52 pm
2011-11-15 11:01 pm great resources and will send a free monthly magazine there are great resources and archives (my favorite he is on facebook, tweeter and he answers emails) has great resources

All are very good, and all different, good resources.

I forgot one you can email back and forth this is a very good one. Sorry I forgot it.

Most all online ministries ask for donations but you do not have to give to use them. When you feel God telling you that is when you give. But they are there to be used.
2011-11-15 11:38 pm
Alice, I was raised up in the Catholic tradition, but do not believe in most of their doctrines. I've studied the Reformation and most Protestant denominations, but do not believe in most of their doctrines. I've studied phenomenology (world religions from the inside out), but don't believe in any of them either. I've studied Messianic Judaism as well. I've also studied paganistic customs in relation to Catholicism and Protestantism and the roots of words they have corrupted. I do believe in the Scriptures (Book/Bible plus some other writings left out like the book of Enoch). All these religious beliefs have fallen short due to the neglect they show toward love, peace, and forgiveness, and have become judges of wickedness. Satan has many divisions in his grand deception. Study Scripture and put some trust in the brains the Almighty has given you. Do not go along with things you can not understand. All praise be to the Almighty Father, Yahuwah, in the name of His only begotten son, Yahushuwa!
參考: Look things up. Google it. Yahoo it. You tube it. Read about it. Let it become a part of you.
2011-11-15 10:58 pm
This is evangelical christianity at its best.
2011-11-15 10:53 pm
2011-11-15 11:09 pm
Why CERTAINLY my dear!

Permit me to be of service to you! much can you afford to spend?

The Most Holy Most Reverend Peter Popoff has these lil packets of holy water that are FREE!

You give him your name, address, email and he'll send you one!

I think you drip it in your face or something and pray according to what PP says, and then you'r supposed to FEEL THE SPIRIT! LORDY! LORDY!

Then you call PP's hotline thingy and you'l geta sales pitch from some telemarketer to send PP $$$ for the great privilege of having had a visitation from the SPIRIT!

Then you keep sending $ for more water & booklets n stuff.

THIS, my dear, will WORK for you!


Praise the LORD!
2011-11-15 10:59 pm
you could join mine. Ill just need your credit card number and password first

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