Extended Essay on World Religion?

2011-11-15 10:48 am
This is for international bacaleurette and I need to write an extended essay. I love world religions but I need to formulate a question to research. Can anyone help me out here?
I was thinking to compare the symbols/clothing/accessories rather than just two beliefs and try to make the topic and my research more interesting.
Pleas help me! Is my idea good? how should i formulate the question?


and how should i begin my introduction?


@ spencer should i just be only focusing on Christianity and Buddhism or include other religions because there's a word limit of 4000 words and i may not be able to explain each in "detail"? and in the contents should i just write big headings of religions or....

回答 (6)

2011-11-15 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is a very common theme in all the world's religions (at least one) and it is basically the golden rule. You can find it in all the sacred texts. What if we could just boil it all down to that one idea and live by it??? What sorts of conclusions might you draw from this phenomenon. How do the religions follow this or not follow this seemingly universal rule? Look at Ghandi, Mother Theresa, etc. and those who seem to be able to be devoted to a religion but still behave according to the golden rule with regard to others . The ideas are endless.

The symbols, clothes thing is devoid of anything really deep. Go for deep.

Use the examples of the golden rule in each religion as your introduction. State clearly that this is a common theme then for your supporting paragraphs, present questions or issues such as. Imagine if we all lived by just this one religious tenet.....
參考: google the golden rule and religion ask for more help and I'll be back
2011-11-15 10:58 am
Is religion beneficial to society - then and now?

(i.e. the origins of belief in the supernatural vs the dipsh*t's today who protest the teaching of evolution *sigh*)
2016-12-19 7:54 am
World Religion Topics
2011-11-15 12:56 pm
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2011-11-15 11:29 am
Part of your education comes from figuring out the formulation of the question yourself, as well as the introduction. Try out various formats, and then choose the one you like best . . . It might turn out to be a combination of the first ones.

I do recommend a book for you to research, that I truly enjoyed reading, though:

"Mankind's Search for God"
2011-11-15 10:53 am
Comparative religions: would ISLAM prevail?

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